Should you use a spotter or home carpet cleaning machine? Absolutely! The quicker you are able to get to cleaning spots and spills the better. If you’re able to get to spills quick enough, most can be cleaned and rinsed with only water. If you’re cleaning your whole carpet remember to use a little or the smallest amount of soap possible, more is definitely not better even if the carpet is bad. The more shampoo you use the more residuals are left in the carpet. Home cleaners don’t have the power or heat commercial units have so they have to make up the difference with a stronger cleaning solution so they tend to leave more residue. That isn’t too bad, but if there’s several cleanings on top of each other it’s good to have it professionally cleaned in between once in a while to rinse everything out. You can also rinse the carpet after it’s cleaned with water or an acid solution which is water with a little bit of white vinegar and that will counter the soap. Please remember to call Fosters Carpet Care for your Scottsdale carpet cleaning needs as well as the rest of the valley, Tucson and Casa Grande, Fosters carpet Care.
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