Scotch Guard is a name brand of a protectant that people are most familiar with. Its like Cresent wrench is used for an adjustable wrench and Coke is used for soda pop. Protectants are a very important part of the maintenance of your carpet. So much so the manufacturers have protectant on most of their carpets. Some even go as far as applying it to the threads before its spun into yarns which are then weaved into carpet.
This protectant doesn’t keep dirt from entering the house or spills from happening but what it does do is keep them from attaching themselves to the fibers as quickly. This gives you time to clean up the spill prior to it setting. It will also assist in your vacuuming by not allowing the dirt particles to attach themselves to the fibers making the vacuum much more efficient. One benefit people don’t often think about is the reduction in wear. Protectant is like putting a shield around the fibers which keeps them from fraying when their rubbed together with foot traffic. Another benefit a lot of the protecatants have is UV protection which helps slow sun fading (critical in Arizona).
Over time, however, protectant tends to wear off through foot traffic and cleaning. It is most common to wear off in the areas of the heaviest foot traffic (of course). We recommend you reapply this protectant at every other cleaning throughout the house and every cleaning in your heavier traffic areas. This should be a standard maintenance procedure to maintain your carpet. It’s hard to spend the money on something you don’t get immediate results through and it takes longer for the carpet to dry but over time you will see the results of your efforts with brighter looking, less worn, carpets.
Always remember to call Fosters Carpet Care for your carpet cleaning needs in Scottsdale, AZ, as well as the rest of the valley, Tucson and Casa Grande.
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